Ask a Lawyer: What are the Dos and Don’ts of Using Images on Your Blog?

Bloggers know that using images in posts is a great way to spark interest and break up lengthy paragraphs. Any ol’ image won’t work legally, though. Here are three important guidelines to keep your website both interesting and law-abiding.

1. Use images you’ve taken yourself. Or, if you’re not a photographer, search for images from public domain sites like Creative Commons, Unsplash or Wikimedia Commons.

2. Always properly credit the photo source, even if you’re using an image with a Creative Commons License. The easiest way to do this is to caption the image with either “Photograph by…” or “Photo courtesy of…”

3. Don’t pull any image off any website and assume you can use it legally. Even if you accurately source the image, you can still be in breach of copyright law, which means you’ll have to find Dutchess County lawyers who specialize in that type of law to help you.

If you have more questions to ask a lawyer or if you’re searching for Dutchess County lawyers, contact us today.


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